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待てば甘露の日和あり――All things come to those who wait

記念すべき!! 700回目のブログです。

This is a memorable blog of the 700 th !!


I am writing a this blog from the early summer of 2011. I had lost my father in the spring of that year. So I decided what take over my father’s company(the steel industry). I had to give up the “making of textile” for that reason. I started the blog for recording such a my thoughts.


But eventually I could not give up dyeing and weaving. So I will say “give up !!” , and I want to think happy that I can study textile slowly but steadily. I’ve continued to blog and textile at such a thought.

こうして始まり、別々の道を歩んできた〝染織と家業〟ですが、いろんな人の力添えがあって来春からは “ ものづくり工房 workshop ひとつ屋 ” として一つの道を歩んでいけそうです。

textile and steel is completely different, but I want to make the store that they are in harmony. That is the 〝 workshop Hitotsu-ya 〟.

これからも “ ひとつ一つ ” と “ひとり一人 ” を大切にした〝 ひとつ屋としての物づくり 〟を続けていきます!! 最近〝待てば海路の日和あり〟ということを痛感しています。若いころは何をするのも急ぎ、焦ってばかりでしたが、こうして時間をかけるとよいものができ、結果それが近道になるこを知りました。

I now also want to have manufacturing that was to cherish the one by one. I can understand meaning of “All things come to those who wait” now. Thank you in the future.


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