I am dyeing a stole for summer with indigo. It has a cool pattern of “”Itajime Shibori(A traditional Japanese technique to create a pattern by sandwiching it between boards)”. It will be exhibited at the “Osaka Kimono Mekan Epoch” to be held on April 15th (Sat) and 16th (Sun) in Osaka International Convention Center. Please look forward to!
我正在用靛藍染夏天的披肩。 它有一個很酷的圖案“板締絞(一種日本傳統技術,通過將它夾在木板之間來製作圖案)” 它將在 4 月 15 日(週六)和 16 日(週日)在大阪國際會議中心舉行的“大阪和服 展示会”上展出。 敬請期待!