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正直のところ、講習内容は“モーマンタイ(無問題)”なのですが、“問題有り”なのが言葉! 私は英語はもちろんのこと、中国語も話せません――😱
頼りにしているのが “翻訳機を超えた、夢のAI通訳機”と謳うPOCKETALK(ポケトーク)”だけです!
日本の草木染の文化や歴史、そして技法を“AI通訳機”を使って伝えることができるのか? 大いに不安ではありますが、とにかく、せっかく香港から来てくださる方々に分かっていただけるよう、AI通訳機を超えて誠心誠意頑張ります!


這個週末,我們有很多人從香港遠道而來參加我們的植物染色課程。 這將是一個為期一天的課程,上午的課程安排為“使用洋蔥皮的多色表達”,下午的課程安排為“化學染料出現之前的顏色插入(型友禅,紅型)”。 我會分成兩組,在兩天內給總共十一個人講課。
說實話,課程內容“沒問題”,但“問題”就是語言! 我不會說中文,更不用說英文了。 現在我後悔自己在學生時代就應該好好學習語言。
因此,我信賴 POCKETALK,它自稱是「超越翻譯的夢想 AI 口譯員」!
是否可以透過「AI翻譯員」來傳達日本植物染色的文化、歷史和技術? 我對此很擔心,但我會盡我所能,超越AI翻譯,盡我所能,讓來自香港的人能夠聽懂!

This weekend, we have people coming all the way from Hong Kong to take our natural dyeing course. The course will be held throughout the day, with the morning session scheduled for “Multicolor expression using onion skin,” and the afternoon session for “Japanese traditional dyeing techniques (Kata Yuzen, Bingata) before the advent of chemical dyes.’ A total of 11 people will be divided into two groups and the course will be held over two days.
To be honest, I don’t have a problem with the content of the course, but the language is the problem! I can’t speak Chinese, let alone English.
The only thing I rely on is POCKETALK, which claims to be a “dream AI interpreter that goes beyond a translator”!
Is it possible to convey the culture, history, and techniques of Japanese vegetable dyeing using an “AI interpreter”? I’m very worried, but I’ll do my best to go beyond the AI interpreter and do my best so that the people coming from Hong Kong can understand!


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