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広いリビング・ダイニング計画 part2

DIY renovation of traditional Japanese house ―― part2

前回に引き続き、三重県伊賀市の古民家DIY リノベーションです。前回までに、土壁の撤去に取り掛かりました(下の写真)。

※ I am not very good at English, so I apologize in advance.

Following the last timemy blog,It is about DIY renovation of traditional Japanese houses. I wrote in the last this blog that I started removing the traditional Japanese mud wall (Picture below). 

DIY リノベーション

DIY リノベーション


This is a renovation that removes the walls of the two rooms to make it one large room. I was thinking that it is easy to get rid of the walls. And I was thinking easy about the structure of traditional Japanese architecture. It is made by mud kneaded with straw over the complicated bamboo framework. It is hard work to break it off without using a machine and carry waste materials. Besides, I have to work in a lot of dust. I removed the wall over three days in such a situation.

もう歳(とし)です。さすがに一人での作業は、しんどいです。あちこち筋肉痛。正直にいえば、体がカタガタです。でも、なんとか撤去終了! やれやれと思いきや! 床に、こんなものが――。

I feel a decline in my physical strength as I am older. It was very hard to do this work by myself. I’m exhausted. As soon as I finished it, I found something on the floor.

そう雨じみ! 雨漏りの跡です!!!
what? Really? They are traces of leaks!!!

上を見上げると、屋根には穴があいていて、その穴から光が漏れているじゃありませんか!  壁と同時に天井を取り払ったので、屋根が直接見えるようになり、この隙間を発見することができました。確かに、天井にも雨じみがあったのですが、こんなにも大きな穴があったとは――。幸か不幸か、まさにトホホッ!の心持です。さぁ、どうしよう!? ちょっと考える時間が必要そうです――。

I looked up at the top. Then the roof was dripping. Moreover, there are holes in the roof,outside lights come in from there. When I removed the wall, I removed the ceiling too, so I could see the roof directly. So I was able to discover roof holes. There was rain stain on the ceiling, but I did not think there was such a big hole in the roof. I do not know for better or worse that I found holes in the roof. Just! good grief ! Now, what shall I do?  I need time to think about measures.

【 archive 
◆ 広いリビング・ダイニング計画 part 4
◆ 広いリビング・ダイニング計画 part 3
◆ 広いリビング・ダイニング計画 part 2
◆ 広いリビング・ダイニング計画 part 1


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