pH meter
※ I am not very good at English, so I apologize in advance.
When I am dyeing with botanicals, I want to know whether the dye is alkaline or acidic or neutral. Because there are differences such as dyeing effect due to the difference. However, as I have been particular about old-fashioned dyeing technique, I sometimes use litmus paper, and so far I have relied on experience and intuition for that it.
が、最近になって、今まで諦めていた「藍の本建て」や灰汁を使った「アルカリ抽出」に興味がわき、遅ればせながら本格的なペーハー測定器(pH meter)を購入しました。今までどおり “素朴な染織” にこだわりながらも、こうしした機器を取り入れて作品の幅を広げていこうと思っています。
But I was interested in “Japanese traditional indigo dyeing method” and “Alkali extraction with ash” which I was giving up, and recently I bought a pH meter. I will continue “old-fashioned dyeing technique” as before.In parallel with that, I would like to take in such equipment and try new works as well.