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日本茜(にほんあかね)―― Japanese madder

Japanese madder bloomed in my garden this year also. And, now it has seeds.



Japanese madder is a perennial plant of the Rubiaceae a native to Japan native. Its roots have been used as a red dye from ancient times.

かつては道端や雑木林などでよく見かける〝雑草〟のような存在でしたが、外来種に追われたのか!? すっかり目にすることがなくなったそうです。なので、数年前に手に入れた苗を大切に育て、少しずつ増やしています。今年の冬には、いよいよ収穫できます。〝古代の赤〟を再現するのも、もう間近です!!

Japanese madder was weed that is often seen in such as roadside and wooded area in the past. However, we no longer see it. Because they were deprived of their habitat to the foreign plant. So, I am carefully cultivating seedlings of Japanese madder. And, it proliferated little by little. I will can harvest at last in this year’s winter. I’m looking forward to dye “ancient red”.


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