インターネットで西洋茜(セイヨウアカネ)の苗を買ったのは2014年の9月のこと(『西洋茜』)。これを〝ひとつ屋 染料園〟の片隅で栽培して2回目の冬を迎えた先日、ついに収穫のときを迎えました。
I bought a seedling of madder in the Internet shop in September 2014((『madder 』). I planted it in a corner of my garden. It reach winter of second time. And I can get the root of the madder at length.
購入したばかりの西洋茜(左の写真)。〝ひとつ屋 染料農園〟の片隅で栽培。
Seedling of madder(Left picture). Grown in my garden(Right picture).
慎重に根を堀上げてみると、その名のとおり〝赤い根〟が四方八方に伸びていました。水洗いすると、とても赤いです!! これを干して煮出せば、赤い染料を得ることできます。
I carefully dug up its roots. goody!! Red roots had grown larger!! I was washing it. Then, it was a very beautiful color. If I put out to to dry this, I can be to obtain a red dye. By the way, Madder is the meaning of “red root” in Japanese.
But, I do not have to dye all of the roots. I had divided roots for replanting a part of it. I planted it for next year.
I look forward to next year’s harvest. I am looking forward to dyeing by madder roots more than that.
Old dog of my family was seeing in the frosty eyes at working me with gusto in garden. Such he is my buddy of today.