メニュー 閉じる

明けましておめでとうございます―― A happy new year

新年 明けましておめでとうございます。
A happy new year

今年の春には、ついに!! ものづくり工房 workshop ひとつ屋 をオープンする予定です!!

I’m going to open my shop in the spring of this year.

楽しい店になるよう お正月返上で準備に頑張ります!

New Year is called “Oshogatsu” in Japanese and our family members and other relatives get together and eat Japanese traditional dishes. But I have to work hard for my shop opening at Oshogatsu. Because I want to make fun shop & workshop.

今年もなにとぞ よろしくお願い申し上げます!!

I am looking forward to your continuous support.


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