そして! 蚕を卵から育てること約1カ月、ついに!美しい繭を作ることができました!!!!!
It was more than five years ago that we began cultivating abandoned farmland covered in bamboo and getting serious about sericulture. Our reckless efforts during the coronavirus pandemic were truly a series of failures and trial and error. Still, I was able to harvest the mulberries (food for the silkworms) that I had carefully planted one by one, and I had created a space to grow the silkworms, so I decided to try my hand at raising silkworms for the first time.
We have been raising silkworms from eggs for about a month, and finally! We were able to make beautiful cocoons! ! ! ! !
Of course, the amount is still small and there are many problems. Still, we are very happy to have the original cocoon. I’m really happy. In the future, I would like to take up the challenge of sericulture, which takes advantage of being small-scale. Also, from now on, We will try my best to make original silk products using these cocoons.
Please look forward to our future!
※I am sorry that my English is so bad.
五年多前,我們開始在廢棄的農田上種上竹子,認真搞蠶桑。 我們在冠狀病毒大流行期間的魯莽努力確實是一系列的失敗和反覆試驗。 儘管如此,我還是能夠一棵一棵地收穫我精心種植的桑葚(蠶的食物),並且我創造了一個養蠶的空間,所以我決定第一次嘗試養蠶。
我們用雞蛋養蠶已經一個月了,終於! 我們能夠製作出美麗的繭! ! ! ! !
當然,量還小,問題也不少。 儘管如此,我們還是很高興能擁有原來的繭。 我真的很開心。 未來,我想挑戰利用小規模優勢的養蠶業。 另外,從現在開始,我們將盡力用這些繭製作原創絲綢產品。