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秋の初めころに里山で採取し、ひとつ屋染料農園 の片隅に植えた赤麻が、どうらや根付いたようです。秋の長雨、その日も土砂降りの雨なかを慌てて、まるで引き抜くように採取したものなので、無事に根付くかが心配でしたが、さすが!野生の生命力です。今では元気に生長しています。

In the early this autumn ,I got plant called Akaso in the countryside(I do not know the English name for this plant). I planted it in my garden. Akaso is a perennial herb that grows in mountains and grasslands. It is a weed. But from this plant we get red dyes and fibers that resemble hemp. 

I was worried about growing up it in Osaka where the climate is different. However it is wild life force as expected. Now they started growing up healthily.



I think that Akaso will die if it is winter. But it will be given new buds again in the spring. I am looking forward to the coming of spring.


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