※私は個展をすることはないのですが、この「大大阪キモノめーかんえぽっく」を私の新作個展と考え、頑張って作っています。ぜひ! お越しください。皆さまとお会いできるのを楽しみにしております!
詳しくは https://www.kimonomakeanepoch.com/ をご覧ください。
I made a pattern called “Flower bat” a long time ago. I tried dyeing this using this pattern. Of course, all natural dyes. And this is dyed by adding my own method based on old Japanese dyeing techniques before the advent of chemical dyes. There are some blurs and unclear parts, but the rustic texture is very attractive. I’m planning to sew it into a bag and exhibit it at an event called “Great Osaka Kimono Meikjan Epoch”.
*I don’t have any solo exhibitions, but I consider this “Great Osaka Kimono Meikjan Epoch” to be a solo exhibition of my new work, and I’m working hard on it. Please come and visit us. We are looking forward to seeing you all ! Please see https://www.kimonomakeanepoch.com/ for details.
※ I am sorry that my English is so bad.
我很早以前就做了一個圖案,叫“花蝙蝠”。 我嘗試用這種圖案染色。 當然,都是天然染料。 這是在化學染料出現之前,根據日本古老的染色技術添加了我自己的方法進行染色的。 雖然有一些模糊不清的部分,但質樸的質感非常吸引人。 我計劃將它縫進袋子裡,並在名為“Great Osaka Kimono Meikjan Epoch”的活動中展示。
*我沒有舉辦個展,但我認為這個“Great Osaka Kimono Meikjan Epoch”是我新作品的個展,我正在努力。 請來參觀我們。 我們期待與大家見面! 欲了解更多信息,請訪問 https://www.kimonomakeanepoch.com/。