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伊賀(三重)の家に座卓と飾棚を購入しました。といっても、最近お知り合いになった方に、とても安く譲っていただいたものです。ありがとうございました! どっしりとした漆塗りの家具で、この家の雰囲気にピッタリ! 都会では見られなくなった純和風の設(しつら)え(しつら)に心が癒されます。

I bought a table and a cabinet at my house in Iga. Iga is a countryside and I have a traditional Japanese house here. It’s a very old house. I had a friend sell these pieces of furniture cheaply. Thank you very much! Both are solid lacquered furniture and are perfect for the atmosphere of this home. The traditional Japanese style that is no longer seen in the city will heal our heart. If I can hold a plants dye workshop here, I would like to use this room for meals and breaks. I hope that time will come! Please look forward to!


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