今朝は小康状態だったので、三河木綿(みかわもめん)の畑へ行くと、この雨の中でも実が爆ぜ、綿がふいていました。今年、初収穫です! 五月の連休にタネをまき、育ててきた三河木綿。ようやく収穫が始まります! 午後からは再び豪雨の予報――。
Even though it is midsummer in western Japan, it rains every day. It was sometimes windy and even chilly. I was worried about the fields, but the rain was so heavy that I couldn’t go see them. I was in a lull this morning, so when I went to the Japanese traditional cotton field, the cotton balls were cracking even in this rain. This is the first harvest this year. I planted Japanese cotton seeds in early May and have grown them. I can harvest them. However, according to the weather forecast, it will rain heavily from this afternoon. That will continue this week. Today, heavy rains are occurring in various parts of Japan. I hope the rain will stop soon.