Noube Plain
先日でブログで「岐阜大仏」に感銘を受けたことを書きました。その夜は岐阜羽島市で一泊。高層ホテルから見える濃尾(のうび)平野が一望できます。さすが日本一の広さを誇る平野! 山々は遥か遠く、見渡す限りの平らさにビックリです。ビルばかりの、しかも全国で2番目に小さな大阪府に生まれ育った私には、とても “広大な風景” に感じます。
The other day, I wrote on my blog that I was impressed by “Great Buddha of Gifu”. We saw the Great Buddha in Gifu City and stayed at a nearby hotel. We was able to see the Noube Plain from this hotel. This Noube Plain is the widest plain in Japan. The mountains felt very far for me. The plain extend as far as the eye can see. I was surprised at the scenery.
This may be a slightly exaggerated expression. However, in Japan with many mountainous areas, this is a rare landscape. It is now a town, but in the past it was an agricultural land. Imagining the scenery of the time, I want to go there.
Noube Plain and full moon.