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Summer is coming to an end.

I feel sad that summer is coming to an end.

I thought so every year. But this year I feel that it is quite different from the usual summer.

梅雨の終わりの豪雨に始まり、猛暑、台風、そして地震—と、「平成」最後の夏は、異常気象と災害の恐ろしさを実感し、そして “だれもが被災者になりうる” ということを痛感することとなりました。

In Japan, there were various disasters torrential rain, intense heat, typhoon, earthquake and so on in this summer. We realized the terribleness of abnormal weather and disaster, and became to be keenly aware that “Anyone can be a victim”.


Here anew, I would like to pray for those who lost their lives in the disaster and offer my deep condolences to their bereaved families.

As usual it will change from summer to autumn. But we will not forget the events of this summer.


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