Wanted plant!
Why don’t you see plants in the picture in your neighborhood?
これは「アカソ(赤麻)」という植物で、山野辺の道端や草原に生える多年草。いわば雑草なのですが、赤い染料がとれるうえに、文字どおり、麻に似た繊維がとれます。僕にとっては〝お宝植物〟なので、ぜひ!! ひとつ屋染料農園 に植えたいと思っていますが、都会では見かけることがありません。ご近所で見られたら、ご一報ください!! よろしくお願いします!
This is a plants called ‘Akaso’ in Japanese(I do not know the name in English). It is a perennial herb that grows in mountains and grasslands. It is a weed. But from this plant we get red dyes and fibers that resemble hemp. This plant is a treasure for me, so I want to plant it in my garden. But I can not find this plants in the city (Osaka) . Please contact me if you can see this plants in your neighborhood. Thank you.