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The wool with botanical dye


※ I am not very good at English, so I apologize in advance.

I want a lot of rustic hand-woven cloth. Because I feel that the fabric dyed with natural dye is very nice.


But hand-woven cloth is very expensive. So I tried to weave cloth by myself. However, There are lots of things that I do not know about how to weave fabric. Besides, the finished fabric was not beautiful. It is not usable.  I felt that the process of weaving fabric is not only time-consuming, but also very difficult.


When I felt that, I met a person with advanced weaving skills. And I asked him to teach me the techniques of the weave. He accepted my wish well(Thank you very much. I am happy!). That is spring this year. He became my teacher and taught me the skills of the fabric very carefully. And I woven three Scarfs so far.


Next, I will challenge to weave a blanket that is much wider than the scarf. So first I dyed raw wool with botanical dye and spin it into yarn. The yarns in the picture below are dyed from the left with loquat, Ramie, and mugwort. I am going to weave checkered blankets with these yarns. However, it seems that it is not enough to weave a blanket, so I will make more yarns.

I’m really enjoying the dyeing and weaving!



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