Roof replacement ―― Can I do it?
三重県の伊賀市に古民家を購入してから数カ月が過ぎました。あちこちの古民家を見たなかから、なぜ?この家の購入を決めたかといいますと、家の雰囲気や大阪からの交通の便はもちろんのことなのですが、正直のところは “価格のわりに補修が不必要だったこと!” なんです――。
※ I am not very good at English, so I apologize in advance.
Several months have passed since I bought a traditional Japanese style house in the countryside. The reason why I decided to buy this was because it was an old house but no repair was necessary. Of course I like the atmosphere of this house. That is the biggest reason I bought this house.
We could use kitchen and toilet and so on just by cleaning. But only this need big repair.
It is the roof of protrudes from the main house. Apparently this roof is leaking. I was thinking at first that I can easily repaired by DIY. The old roof tile had deteriorated more than I thought. It was in a state of being broken just by walking on it. I can not repair in this state, so I decided to change this into new roofing. By the way, these are traditional Japanese roof tiles.
が、屋根の葺き替えを業者さんに頼めば非常に費用がかかります――トホホっ! そこで例によって、自分で葺き替えようと、屋根瓦を下して土を取り除きまましたが、猛暑の夏の炎天下、しかも屋根の上は日差しを遮るものもないなかでの重労働は、もう身も心も限界です!
If I ask the professional for roof replacement it will cost very expensive. I am good at DIY, so I decided to repair it by myself. First I started to lower the tiles from the roof. But Japan in August is very very hot! Sometimes the temperature will be as high as 40°C(104°F). There is nothing on the roof that blocks me from direct sunlight. Furthermore, the tiles are glued with soil, so I had to lower this from the roof. These were very hard works.
I completed the work for two days in a row. It is strange that I did not become a heatstroke. But it seems impossible to change the roof by DIY alone at this pace. Japan will be in the typhoon season from now on. I have to repair it by then. I will consult the professional after all.