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縁あって「糸芭蕉」の苗が手に入りました。ひとつ屋の農園に植えて、いつかは“なんちゃって芭蕉布”を織ろうと思っています😏 幼苗なので、寒くなるこれからの時季は心配です。少し大きくなるまでは、植木鉢に植えて室内で管理しようと思います。


I was able to get the seedlings of “Japanese banana”. In the southern regions of Japan, cloth has long been made from Japanese banana fibers. I want to plant this seedling in my garden and someday make a cloth. However, it requires a very difficult technique. But I’m looking forward to it. Now it’s small seedlings, so I’m worried about the coming season when it gets cold. Until it grows a little, I will plant it in a flowerpot and manage it indoors.


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