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▼ 下の写真に順のように、白い毛糸が次第に真っ赤染まっていきます。

In our shop, the most popular plant-dyed yarn is the bright red wool dyed with Indian madder. It’s spring, and the wool season is about to end, but I’m running out of stock, so I’m dyeing more. When Indian madder is boiled out, the dyeing liquid, which was bright red, is absorbed by the yarn and becomes transparent over time. Once again, I feel that it is amazing.

我們最受歡迎的植物染色紗線是用茜草染色的鮮紅色紗線。 立春了,紗季也快結束了,可是庫存不多了,又要染了。 當茜草煮沸時,鮮紅色的染料會滲入線中,並隨著時間的推移變得透明。 我覺得又很了不起。


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