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2023年度 受講生作品展/5月27日(土)~29日(月)


●2023年度 受講生作品展/5月27日(土)~29日(月)

2023年度 受講生作品展/5月27日(土)~29日(月)

With the arrival of spring, the number of exhibitions and exhibitions will increase. For such a sunny stage, the studio is full of works in progress. Especially this year, we are planning to exhibit works by students who are learning vegetable dyeing at our workshop, so there are many works in progress. Now each student is making a work hard.
Please look forward to it!
With the arrival of spring, the number of exhibitions and exhibitions will increase. For such a sunny stage, the studio is full of works in progress. Especially this year, we are planning to exhibit works by students who are learning vegetable dyeing at our workshop, so there are many works in progress. Now each student is making a work hard.
Please look forward to it!
● 2023 student exhibition / May 27 (Sat) – 29 (Mon)

展覽和展覽會隨著春天的到來而增加。 對於這樣一個陽光明媚的舞台,工作室裡充滿了進行中的作品。 特別是今年,我們計劃展示在我們車間學習植物染色的學生的作品,還有很多正在進行中的作品。 每個學生都在努力。
● 2023年學生展/5月27日(週六)~29日(週一)


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