ひとつ屋では来春のオープンに向けて、新しいアイテムづくりに大忙し! 今、取り組んでいるのが“編み物のアイテム”です。もちろん! それは“ひとつ屋らしいもの”でなくてはなりません😉 そこで、う~ん🤔 と考えたすえに試行錯誤を重ねて、ようやく形になりそうなものが、このマフラーです(以前のブログ『禁断の領域だったはずの編み物』もご覧ください)。
We are very busy preparing for the opening of our shop next spring. Now, I’m making a muffler. Of course it must be our work! 😉 After a lot of trial and error, I can finally agree with the texture of this muffler. This muffler is knitted by bundling 10 fine yarns dyed with botanical dyes. I adjusted many times the color combination, the thickness of the yarns used, and the texture when knitting. In this work, I thought about making items for children by this method. That is, if you stick to the traditional dyeing method that does not use any chemicals and make clothes for children, it will be safe and secure, and the burden on the environment will be small. So immediately‼ I’m going to make a prototype of children’s clothes.